baner agroshow 2015


Notos – nowy sposób na omacnicę i nie tylko

dsc08015Zaprezentowany po raz pierwszy w Kielcach na targach Agrotech opryskiwacz do oprysków dalekosiężnych Notos spotkał się z niezwykle ciepłym przyjęciem ze strony rolników uprawiających kukurydzę. Właśnie takiego rozwiązania poszukiwali – taniego urządzenia do zwalczania omacnicy.

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HEROS with new booms

heros turbo phr 2Already last year, we changed a part of tanks used in the largest models of HEROS series, thanks to which operation of the machine has become more ergonomic. New tanks also enabled the use of new solutions in the range of applied booms. So far, in sprayers HEROS series were mounted booms unfolded hydraulically in three types (PHX, PHA and PHH) for width 18 m. 

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Sorters with belt sizing screens

sortownik obiegowy 1In our offer, especially for big vegetable growers, we present - sorter with belt sizing screens in two versions: with feeder and picking table and also as a separate sorting element.

Sorters with belt sizing screens our production are adjusted to customer's needs, we can customized the design of machine for esuipment already possessed by customer. 

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Sorting line

linia sortujacaIn response on requirements from the largest farms and some of processing plants we present professional sorting line for vegetables, especially for onion and potatoes. 

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SELETRON available in KRUKOWIAK sprayers

bravo 400 seletron

We present you the first in Poland, fully functional and proven system of automatically turn on and off a single nozzle holders based on the GPS signal - SeleTRON System with computer that control BRAVO 400S, which can also be used as universal agricultural navigation. Take a look at the film presentation and familiarize with technical datas.  

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